
Hi, I created “Life Through Fancy Eyes” as a creative outlet to explore and develop life tools to help us see with our best(fancy) eyes.

It is so easy to get caught up in the struggles that comes with living and we forget to view life with our best eyes. My aunt always say that there is a bright side in a situation, we just have to look for it.  In order to do that, we have to give ourselves a break from what is going on. We have to give ourselves a chance to regroup.

You may find topics on healthy living, wellness, hair care, self-care, a dab of beauty & fashion with sprinkles of inspiration here. Take a deserving break with your favorite cup of deliciousness, whether it be tea, coffee, etc. and sit back, relax & let’s journey through life with our “Fancy Eyes.”

Here are some facts about me

I have a BSW and M.S. degree in Psychology. I worked as a case manager/therapist for 12 years.

I am a pk (preacher’s kid). The pressure that society puts on us can be a bit much at time but we are face with some of the same issues.

I love music. Some music can be so soothing to me. I am able to lose myself in the beat. I talked about it in this post,  We are all conquerors.  I also created a 90s R & B Playlist Top 150. You can check it out here. 

I love long walks on the beach.

One of my favorite movies is “Drop Dead Fred.”  My sister and I used to watch that movie so much.

I am a sucker for romantic movies. I love romantic movies when the love connection is not obviously.

There are some horror films’ fans in my house, but I am scared of horror movies. If I attempt to watch one, I cannot be alone and I have my hands over my eyes throughout the movie.

Omg, I love pecan pie with a passion ha. 

I swear I was a ninja while growing up. I watched a lot of Kung foo movies in my childhood.  When we were not outside making mud cakes and pies, my sister and I would be ninjas.

I love wearing wigs for my protective styles. I do not like to style my own hair.  Actually, I am just not that good at it, but I have learned some ways to take care of my hair over the years.  I wrote about it in this post, Hair regimen. 

If you would like to know more facts about me, check these out Get to know me & Get to know me a little more

I truly believe in Dave Willis saying, “Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already. “

Let’s stay connected.  My latest obsession is Pinterest.  Check out what I’m pinning.

You can also connect with me:

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69 thoughts on “About

  1. What an amazing story written by a beautiful and phenomenal woman. You have a big heart. Your words speak volume and you’re an inspiration to many. Thank you for following my blog.

  2. Hi,
    Lovely introduction!
    I’m on the same page as you! I’m working on escaping my comfort zone and working on my health.

    I wish you all the best on your journey!

  3. A very nice introduction post. Thanks for stopping by at my blog and for liking some of my posts which now link me to your awesome blog. May the blessing of God never pass you by in the name of Jesus Christ. Best wishes 🙂

    1. You’re welcome. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the words of encouragement!! Best wishes to you also 🙂

  4. Very nice introduction. I love that you didn’t let circumstances stop you from pursuing your dreams. All the best with your new path. You are an inspiration to many. 🙂

    1. Hey Megan! Thanks so much for this nomination and the encouragement. I am so honored and this has really made my day 🙂

  5. Hi there, I am not sure if you “do” blog awards or not… but I have nominated you for the Premio Dardos award. The rules are simple: all you need to do is nominate 15 blogs, nice and easy. Here is the link to the post: http://wp.me/p4Do1g-u4. I hope you will accept it, but if not… nevermind, I still like your blog and this is a token of my appreciation!

    1. What a Wonderful way to start my Wednesday!! Thank you so much! I am very honored and I definitely accept it. Enjoy your day Angie! 🙂

  6. Great bio, JcCee. I also have 4 children (22-9) and have worked in mental health 😀 I too am into become healthier and happier! Glad to meet you via Mihran’s reblog.

    1. Hey Angie, thanks so much! Wow, we do have some things in common. Nice to meet you also. I wish you much success on your journey into becoming healthier and happier. I hope you enjoy the rest of you day 🙂

  7. Jc, we share a kindred heart!

    Thank you for stopping by to follow Hope For Today. I look forward to reading your blog. God bless you!

  8. Hey JcCee. I just popped over from Austin’s Blog Pitch Party. You look like a super inspiring lady and I can’t wait to start seeing your posts pop up in my feed.

    1. Hey Abbie,
      I am so glad that you did. Thanks so much for the kind words. I am excited about your upcoming post also! 🙂

  9. Your introduction is awesome! When we strive to be the person God intended us to be we can’t fail… I look forward to reading your post!

    1. Hi Trisha, aww…you have made my day! Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! You should do it…I’m rooting for you 🙂

  10. Hi! Are we best friends, lol? I love the movie Drop Dead Fred too! I also used to watch it with my sister! What a classic movie, thanks for reminding me of it Snotface!😉😂

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